UAW Backs Joe Biden for US Presidency
The United Automobile Workers (UAW) union president has shared a speech summarizing their recent accomplishments and future goals, including their fight for economic and social justice for the UAW and the entire working class. The union president critiqued those who have doubted the strength and resolve of the union, celebrating victories such as winning back cost of living adjustments and salvaging a plant scheduled for closure. The president has also endorsed Joe Biden for the United States Presidential election, citing Biden's support for the UAW during their historic Stand Up Strike and his efforts to ensure that record corporate profits translate into record contracts for the UAW.
UAW Family Update
Greetings, UAW family, as our CAP Conference concludes, I extend my gratitude to you all. The last few days have been filled with strategic planning for upcoming challenges. A round of applause for our CAP Reps, whose efforts are foundational to this union and our movement.
I acknowledge our committed CAP staff who ensured the success of this event. I also appreciate the leadership of our International Executive Board present this week. But majorly, kudos to our members nationwide, the true leaders of this movement, who've kept us going.
Upon my presidency commencement 10 months back, I assured a shift in our approach. We pledged to uphold economic and social justice and fight relentlessly not only for UAW members but the entire working class. This has been, and will continue to be, our course of action.
Despite our critics' skepticism, we’ve stood our ground. Recall the Big 3 strike? Our demands were deemed unrealistic. But we defied all odds. We secured COLA, saved a plant on the brink of closure, brought EV jobs under our master agreements, abolished wage tiers, and secured benefits for our retirees. Yes, together, we've achieved the near impossible.
The corporate class and their political allies may underestimate us, but those who matter stand with us. During the strike, 75% of Americans supported us, and they continue to do so. They stand with us because they understand the struggles of paycheck-to-paycheck living. They also value our adherence to facts and truth.
We exposed the disproportionate profits of companies and excessive CEO wage increases. We highlighted the widening gap between workers and management. We stand tall because our movement represents the working class American. Our mission is to revive the power of the working class.
Working-class people have been overlooked and exploited for decades. But we are the majority. We possess the numbers and votes. When united, we instill fear in the affluent class. But they exploit us by creating division based on gender, nationality, and race. They distract us with irrelevant issues to conceal the fact that they reap the benefits of our labor.
Our unity is our power. We learnt from the Stand Up Strike that unity, determination, and focus on pertinent issues lead to victory. The Stand Up Strike aimed beyond a contract. It was a fight for living wages, secure retirement, healthcare, regaining control over time, and life. These issues unite the working class.
We strive to ensure technological advancements benefit the workers, not just the wealthy. We aim to control technology instead of being controlled by it. The billionaire class aims to manipulate our lives, time, government, and society. But we choose unity and solidarity over management domination.
We face a significant decision in the 2024 Presidential Election. The power is in our hands. We aim for retirement security for the working class, to organize and mobilize, and make our voices heard. This November, our choice will either support our cause or oppose us at every step.
We must decide who we want in office to give us the best shot at winning, organizing, negotiating strong contracts, and uniting the working class. We must focus on the facts and track record.
In 2008 during the auto industry crisis, Trump blamed the unions while Biden bet on the American autoworkers. In 2015, Trump proposed rotating the auto industry out of Michigan so union autoworkers would beg for their jobs back, while Biden vocally supported worker's rights to unionize. In 2019, GM closed the Lordstown Assembly Plant during peak profits. Trump blamed our union dues for the closure and Biden stood by us every step of the way.
Our movement is not about favoritism or party affiliation. It’s about our best chance at reclaiming power for the working class. Trump represents the billionaires, but who stands for us? The answer lies in our core issues – Wages, Retirement, Health Care, and Time.
Our endorsements must be earned. Joe Biden has earned it. Today, UAW is endorsing Joe Biden for President of the United States. We invite Joe Biden to join us in our fight for economic and social justice for the UAW and the whole working class. Please welcome the current President of the United States, the man we will re-elect, Joe Biden!
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