Infrastructure Investment
Biden Announces $7.3B Rural Energy Plan in Western Wisconsin VisitNew!!
Recap: Joe Biden visits western Wisconsin, makes $7.3 billion rural energy announcement. (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
Abinader Highlights Infrastructure Investment at NY ConferenceNew!!
Abinader emphasizes infrastructure investment at New York conference. Details on Dominican Today's coverage here.
NABTU's 2024 Labor Day MessageNew!!
“We honor workers across the U.S. and Canada. Thank you to the Biden-Harris and Trudeau Administrations for prioritizing workers."
Montana Board Invests $232M in Real Estate, Infrastructure
Montana Board allocates $232m to real estate and infrastructure funds, enhancing investment portfolios.
Texas ERS allocates $500M for real estate, infrastructure
Texas ERS allocates $500m toward real estate and infrastructure projects, aiming to enhance their investment portfolio.
New Mexico SIC Invests $150M in Hull Street Infrastructure Fund
New Mexico SIC backs Hull Street infrastructure fund with $150m. - IPE Real Assets
Denver may vote on $570M downtown infrastructure investment
Likely ballot measure would increase Denver debt by $570M for downtown infrastructure investment. Denver 7 Colorado News
Google invests over $400M in Nevada facilities
Google is betting over $400 million on Nevada facilities, as reported by the Reno Gazette Journal.
Google to invest $400M in Nevada tech infrastructure
Google plans a $400 million investment in Nevada's tech infrastructure to enhance data centers and support growth.
Sec. Haaland Showcases New Investments in NC Parks, Access, Economy
Secretary Haaland Highlights New Investments in Park Infrastructure, Outdoor Access, and a Growing Economy in NC.