NABTU and TVA Sign Pivotal MOU to Elevate Construction Standards

North America’s Building Trades Unions (NABTU) announced the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) as a founding signer of the landmark RESPECT (Responsible Environment Supporting Positive Equity Culture and Treatment) initiative to enhance work culture on construction sites. This memorandum of understanding will implement NABTU’s RESPECT program on all TVA projects.

The RESPECT framework by NABTU is a pilot program improving job site standards. Its goal is to create clean, safe, respectful, and inclusive work environments for all employees, including women, people of color, and historically underrepresented groups. This initiative aims to change the perception of construction jobs by building a positive job site culture, reducing turnover, and improving worker retention.

NABTU President Sean McGarvey stated, “It’s no accident that the first RESPECT pilot program is signed with TVA. Our longstanding trust and respect enable us to address changes in technology and culture. This program emphasizes respect, especially as more women and underrepresented communities join the workforce. It’s about raising industry standards and ensuring both physical and mental safety on job sites.”

The program will address toxic cultures, equitable safety protocols, and job site hygiene standards. RESPECT will also offer resources to support workers struggling with substance abuse and alcoholism.

TVA President & CEO Jeff Lyash said, “TVA is proud to be NABTU’s lead partner in the RESPECT program. This agreement supports our mission of fostering an inclusive and collaborative work culture, making TVA a desirable workplace."