AFA President Sara Nelson Responds to Senate NLRB Vote Blockage

Senate Vote on NLRB Reconfirmation Sparks Criticism

WASHINGTON, D.C. (December 11, 2024) — The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA), led by President Sara Nelson, has expressed strong disapproval following the Senate's decision to block the reconfirmation of Lauren McFerran to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

In a statement, Nelson criticized Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, attributing the failure to protect various rights to their actions. "Manchin and Sinema are responsible for killing voting rights, worker rights, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, childcare, vision and dental for seniors, and an economy built for the people. This is one more FU to the working class on their way out the door," Nelson remarked.

The statement further condemned the Republican Party's stance, asserting that the GOP has consistently opposed initiatives beneficial to the broader public. Nelson warned of potential repercussions: "The entire GOP has relentlessly fought against anything good for the vast majority of the people of this country. The GOP shows once again their total disdain for their constituents. But they better watch what they do in implementing their plans to make it worse. These laws are set up to mostly protect corporations and getting rid of the last pathetic bits of worker rights under the law will simply lead to more disruption and CHAOS."

The AFA represents 55,000 flight attendants across 20 airlines and is a part of the Communications Workers of America (CWA), affiliated with AFL-CIO. The union is dedicated to advocating for the rights and interests of flight attendants, shaping the profession through improved wages, benefits, and working conditions.

For more information about their initiatives, visit the AFA-CWA website.

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