UAW Strikes Historic Deal at BMW Lehigh Valley Center

The Facts -

    • UAW members at BMW-RDC in PA win a tentative agreement with record wage increases.
    • The deal ends the two-tier wage system and improves policies on time off and attendance.
    • Workers' strike threat and solidarity were key in securing the improved contract terms.

Historic UAW Tentative Agreement at BMW Regional Distribution Center

Palmer Township, PA — UAW members at the BMW Regional Distribution Center in Palmer Township, PA, have secured a historic tentative agreement featuring record wage increases and the elimination of the two-tier wage system. This deal also enhances policies on time off, uniforms, overtime exemptions, and attendance. Workers' credible strike threat was pivotal in achieving this contract.

"We knew that if we stuck together and refused to be divided, we could win," said Zach Haas, chief steward and bargaining unit chair. "This agreement is going to mean a better life for me and my coworkers."

BMW has earned $50 billion in profits since 2021 and paid $7.2 billion to shareholders last year. Despite this, workers at the facility have faced stagnation in wages and benefits for years.

In the weeks leading up to the agreement, workers intensified their campaign, organizing red shirt days and rallies at the BMW facility. Community leaders often joined to show support.

On June 8, members voted by 99% to authorize a strike, sending a strong message to BMW to offer a fair contract.

"I couldn’t be prouder of these workers for demanding better working conditions and a better life for themselves," said UAW Region 9 Director Daniel Vicente. "They stood together and showed BMW their willingness to do what needed to be done to win what they deserve. They’re a testament to the power of solidarity."

Workers at the RDC will attend informational meetings and vote on the agreement soon.

This record tentative agreement at the BMW-RDC follows significant contract victories for the UAW, including wins at Big Three automakers, Daimler Truck, Allison Transmission, and Aramark.

Read more about UAW's recent victories.

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