UAW's Victory Path for Southern Autoworkers


Workers at Mercedes-Benz in Alabama are organizing to form a union. UAW President Shawn Fain and Region 8 Director Tim Smith met with these autoworkers to discuss their plan for unionizing, with Fain emphasizing that the autoworkers have the power to change their circumstances and win a better life for themselves and their communities. Fain encouraged the workers to stand strong against company tactics aimed at instilling fear and division, and to walk the path to victory together, expressing their belief that the workers were within reach of a significant victory.

Alabama Autoworkers Organize in Pursuit of Union

Employees at Alabama's Mercedes-Benz have begun their efforts towards achieving a union, with UAW President Shawn Fain and Region 8 Director Tim Smith offering their support. President Fain shared his insights and encouragement.

"Good afternoon, Union Family. I'm honored to be here, standing with determined autoworkers ready to fight for change. Remember - there is a path to victory. Working-class individuals like you have the power to change the world and your circumstances."

President Fain reiterated the importance of belief in the potential to win and that the job and life you have can be improved. He emphasized that no victory can be achieved without the workers' efforts.

"You are on the edge of a monumental victory as you unite with your coworkers against the fear tactics, uncertainty, and division being instigated by Mercedes. We're approaching this differently, ensuring leaders on each line and shift communicate about building their union."

He further stressed the importance of not just winning votes, but also building unity and determination to secure a beneficial union contract. The role of each worker in this process was underlined.

"You're not alone in this journey. Hundreds of thousands of UAW members and working-class people across the country are supporting you. This is a time for unity and solidarity."

Sharing his family history rooted in the South, Fain highlighted the importance of a union in maintaining a decent livelihood. He called on the workers to stand for better lives in their current location.

"As someone who once lived paycheck to paycheck and experienced unemployment, I can attest to how joining a union changed my life."

President Fain reminded the workers that their employer, Mercedes, had profited immensely from their labor. CEOs have received massive raises while workers' wages stagnate. The contrast between executive and worker salaries was identified as a significant issue.

"Mercedes is afraid of employees having a voice in their workplace. They fear losing control and paying fair wages for the immense profits your labor generates."

With faith and unity, he urged the workers to believe in their potential to achieve a better life through unionizing right in Alabama.

"The workers in the South are the only ones who can organize it. Those who stand up will make history."

He concluded by encouraging the workers to seize this defining moment, change their lives, America, and the world for the better. He called upon them to publicly support each other in every department, on every line, and on every shift to win their election.

"Before you leave, join your coworkers on the path to victory by signing the public petition. Solidarity is our strength. Without a Union contract, they have all the control. You hold the power to make a difference."

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