Rhode Island Senate Committee Passes Teamsters-Backed Free Speech Bill

The Facts -

  • The Rhode Island Senate Committee passed Teamsters-endorsed legislation, Senate Bill 2785, banning employers from forcing workers to attend captive audience meetings.
  • In the 2023 legislative session, the bill was supported by Local 251, passed by the full state Senate, but never made it out of the state House Committee on Labor.
  • If the bill is passed and signed into law, Rhode Island would join Oregon, Connecticut, Minnesota, Maine, New York, and Washington in banning mandatory attendance at captive audience meetings.

Teamsters Local 251 Supports Passage of Senate Bill 2785

rhode island state house

The Rhode Island Senate Committee on Labor has passed the Teamsters-endorsed Senate Bill 2785, aimed at prohibiting employers from mandating worker attendance at captive audience meetings. These meetings are often used by employers to spread anti-union propaganda and dissuade worker organization.

“Employees should not be subjected to anti-union sessions by their employers,” said Matt Taibi, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 251 and Teamsters Eastern Region International Vice President. “We appreciate Senators LaMountain and Bissaillon for introducing this bill and the Senate Committee on Labor for moving it forward for a full Senate vote.”

Local 251 backed the bill during the 2023 legislative session. It was subsequently passed by the full state Senate but stalled in the state House Committee on Labor. “We urge a swift Senate approval, and encourage the House to follow suit,” Taibi stated.

With the bill's authorization, Rhode Island would join Oregon, Connecticut, Minnesota, Maine, New York, and Washington in prohibiting obligatory attendance at captive audience meetings.

Representing over 6,300 workers across various industries in Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts, Teamsters Local 251 provides further information on TeamstersLocal251.org.

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