"New School's Academic Workers Set March 6 Strike - UAW"


Teaching fellows, assistants, course assistants, research assistants, and tutors at The New School, represented by United Auto Workers (UAW), are set to strike from Wednesday as a result of wage negotiations. The workers are seeking higher wages and improved healthcare, plus workplace and standard of living reforms such as access to a childcare fund and better support for international students. The strike is a response to the university's "insulting poverty wages" offer amidst six months of continuous negotiations and will proceed unless the university presents an acceptable offer before March 6.

New York Teaching Fellows To Strike Following Unsuccessful Negotiations

New York, NY - After half a year of negotiations, the United Auto Workers (UAW) representing teaching fellows, assistants and tutors at The New School have announced an imminent strike, authorized with a 94% majority vote. Unless the university submits an acceptable offer by March 6, the strike will commence, highlighting the workers' dissatisfaction with the university's lower-than-average wages and slow negotiation process.

Demand for Higher Wages and Improved Benefits

Following last year's professors' strike, the academic student workforce began negotiating their new union contract. They are seeking increased wages, superior health care and workplace reforms, including childcare fund access and enhanced support for international students. The average academic student worker earns approximately 11K annually, significantly less than the New York City living wage, leading to a constant financial strain, particularly for international students restricted from most off-campus employment.

Inefficiencies in Pay and Stipend Disbursement

Union members have reported consistent delays in pay and stipend disbursement due to university mismanagement, forcing them to rely on savings or friends and leaving them uncertain about how to afford basic needs such as housing and transportation. These issues are not confined to academic roles; non-academic student workers across campus are prepared to join the strike, pending a ruling from the National Labor Relations Board on their unionization abilities.

Fiscal Disparities Between Workers and Executives

Academic student workers comprise 6.5% of The New School's total workforce and are seeking a compensation and health care package worth less than 1% of the university’s budget. The university's recent compensation offer falls short of addressing the financial hardship faced by these workers, especially when compared to the bonuses received by New School executives in 2022. Despite this, The New School continues to prioritize executive salaries, perpetuating a cycle of financial instability for its academic and non-academic workforce.

Call for Better Treatment of Workers

The UAW union believes that The New School, known for its progressive values, should strive to improve conditions for its entire workforce and student population. Without an acceptable offer from the university, workers are prepared to strike in pursuit of higher wages and comprehensive university betterment.

About ACT-UAW 7902

ACT-UAW Local 7902, established in 2002, represents over 5,000 part-time teachers, student educators, and healthcare workers, including New School part-time faculty and student employees, and New School student health service employees.

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