Workplace Safety

Union News
AFL-CIO Unveils 2024 Job Death Report Before Workers Memorial Day

The Facts - Workers of color, particularly Black and Latino workers, are increasingly dying on the job. The AFL-CIO annual report highlights workplace safety issues and proposes strategies to address them. Around 344 workers died daily from hazardous conditions and 5,486 were killed on the job in 2022. Fatalities Among Workers of Color at an […]

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Union News
VW Workers Apply for Union Election to Join UAW

TL/DR - Workers at the Volkswagen factory in Chattanooga, Tennessee have filed a petition for a vote to join the United Auto Workers (UAW) union. The move came after a supermajority of the factory's workers signed union cards in 100 days. If the petition is successful, the factory will become the first non-union auto plant […]

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Union News
$5M Sought for Enhanced Warehouse Worker Safety

TL/DR - Several labor unions are urging the state Legislature to allocate $5 million in the next budget to improve warehouse worker safety, following data showing they get injured four times more often than other New York workers. A proposal includes mandating safer warehouse designs and annual expert assessments for potential hazards and repair requirements. […]

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