Auto Supplier GNS Workers Join UAW Local 900, Region 1A


The 100 employees at GNS North America in Michigan have voted in favour of joining UAW Local 900, Region 1A. The staff at GNS, who produce parts for companies such as GM, Tesla, and Stellantis, endured an "exhausting" process to form a union, under constant scrutiny from management. The UAW Local 900 President Dwayne Walker welcomed the GNS workers to the UAW, congratulating them on the "hard-fought" win.

GNS North America Workers in Michigan Join UAW Local 900, Region 1A

On February 20th, 100 workers at GNS North America, located in Canton Michigan, made a unanimous decision to join UAW Local 900, Region 1A. The GNS workforce produces hot stamping and conventional stamped parts, including structural parts and roof reinforcements, for well-known automakers such as GM, Tesla, and Stellantis.

Gwendolyn Green, a Weld Operator, expressed her excitement, saying, "We formed and started a Union because we needed a change. Being a part of the UAW once again is truly an honor."

In spite of the exhausting process and the management's scrutiny, the workers stood firm. Roberto Garcia, a Laser Automation Technician, revealed, "Despite all the union-busting tactics, we supported each other and got the win! We're expecting a much-needed change and a brighter future for all of us at GNS."

Joining a union gives the workers a much-needed voice, according to Brian Herbst, a Weld Automation Technician. "We now have a voice that will be listened to," he said.

UAW Local 900 President Dwayne Walker and Region 1A Director, Laura Dickerson, warmly welcomed the GNS workers. Walker applauded the workers for their hard-fought win, noting that Local 900 has a long tradition of supporting workers. "We're thrilled to have GNS members as part of Local 900 and Region 1A. Workers are making sure their voices are heard," Dickerson added.

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