AFL-CIO President: Second Trump Term a CEO's Dream, Worker’s Nightmare

The Facts -

    • Shuler claims Trump betrayed workers and families to govern for the wealthy.
    • Biden is praised for creating jobs, supporting unions, and boosting worker benefits.
    • Shuler warns a second Trump term would harm unions and benefit corporate CEOs.

AFL-CIO President Responds to First 2024 Presidential Debate

AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler released the following statement on the first presidential debate of the 2024 election:

Tonight, Donald Trump perpetuated falsehoods, attempting to obscure his track record of prioritizing the wealthy over workers. Under President Biden, manufacturing jobs are returning, infrastructure is being rebuilt, and unions are securing record contracts. Union members are witnessing double-digit raises and increased worker organizing in numerous industries.

President Biden stands with working people, consistently challenging corporate greed, creating union jobs, and investing in America. His administration has saved millions of pensions and ensured worker rights on the picket line.

Conversely, Trump’s tenure was defined by division and a significant tax cut benefiting the wealthy. He appointed a union-busting lawyer to the Department of Labor, increased outsourcing, and blocked wage increases. The debate offered no reassurance against his anti-worker agenda, which threatens to slash union jobs, wages, and benefits under Project 2025.

With unions at risk in this election, AFL-CIO’s 12.5 million members will recall who supported them come November.

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