San Joaquin County RNs Strike Over Unilateral Contract Changes

San Joaquin County Nurses to Strike Over Contract Disputes

A significant number of registered nurses employed within San Joaquin County's health system are set to initiate a one-day strike on Friday, Jan. 17, as part of an unfair labor practice (ULP) protest. This action is in response to ongoing issues with county management, which the nurses claim undermine the collective bargaining process, according to the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United (CNA/NNU).

The nurses have accused the county of making unilateral changes that affect recruitment and retention, thereby impacting patient safety. This led to the filing of a ULP charge, prompting an investigation by the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB). On Dec. 2, 2024, PERB issued a complaint against San Joaquin County for these practices. The subsequent step involves mediation between the county and the union.

Representing over 1,000 registered nurses, CNA includes nurses from public health, county jails, and San Joaquin General Hospital (SJGH) located in French Camp, California.

Details of the Strike:

Who: Registered nurses across San Joaquin County

What: One-day ULP strike for a fair contract

When: Friday, Jan. 17, 7 a.m. to Saturday, Jan. 18, 6:59 a.m., with a rally at 1 p.m. on Friday

Where: San Joaquin General Hospital, 400 W. Hospital Rd., French Camp, Calif. 95231

The nurses informed their employer of the impending strike on Jan. 7, following the expiration of their contract on April 30, 2024. Since negotiations commenced in March 2024, the county's actions have led to protracted discussions. A contentious issue is a wage increase implemented without union bargaining, which the union deems an unfair labor practice.

"We are holding an unfair labor practice strike because San Joaquin County’s divisive and unfair actions are damaging our ability to retain experienced nurses," stated Kelly Mertz, RN from the trauma unit at SJGH. "The county should come to the table to negotiate a strong contract that’s fair to all nurses. We always strive to give our patients the best care. I’m proud to be a union nurse and to stand up for patients, our community, and ourselves."

Stacey Lo, RN from the labor and delivery/post-partum unit at SJGH said, "We deserve to be treated with respect, but the county is not respecting our rights as nurses or as union members. It is unconscionable that the county would undermine contract negotiations and make unilateral changes outside the bargaining process. This is why we are striking."

The nurses previously voiced their concerns at a San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors meeting in November 2024, demanding a fair resolution. They also conducted an informational picket on Nov. 19 to advocate for patient safety and equitable treatment.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United is the largest and fastest-growing union and professional association of registered nurses in the nation, with more than 100,000 members in over 200 facilities throughout California and nearly 225,000 RNs nationwide.

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