AFL-CIO Hails Biden's End to Disability Wage Discrimination
The Facts -
- The DOL proposes ending subminimum wage for workers with disabilities.
- AFL-CIO supports fair wages, opposing disability-based pay discrimination.
- Biden's action to end subminimum wage is widely supported and applauded.
Department of Labor Moves to Eliminate Subminimum Wage for Disabled Workers
Following the Department of Labor’s (DOL) proposal to abolish subminimum wage for people with disabilities, AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler issued this statement:
Workers with disabilities have been making significant contributions to our economy and workplaces. Yet, for far too long, federal law permitted employers to pay them as little as 25 cents an hour, which is drastically below the federal minimum of $7.25 per hour. This initiative by the Biden administration aims to end that long-standing injustice by abolishing subminimum wage for disabled workers.
The AFL-CIO advocates for fair pay and a living wage for every worker. Subminimum wage policies have historically subjected people with disabilities to exploitation without repercussions, effectively treating them as second-class workers. Ending this practice is not only ethical but also has widespread public support. The labor movement is committed to eradicating all forms of pay discrimination and continues to fight for the empowerment of all workers, irrespective of disability.
We commend President Biden and acting Labor Secretary Julie Su for their decisive action, alongside the many labor, disability, and allied advocates who have tirelessly campaigned for this essential change. We urge future administrations to uphold this critical step towards equity for all disabled workers.
For more information, contact: Riley Lopez, 202-637-5018
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